Company TATRA DEFENCE VEHICLE thoroughly applies the following Integrated management system policy to further develop and maintain all business activities as well as to stand
to our commitments to all customers, employees, owners, stakeholders and the environment:
- The satisfaction of all our customers, employees and other stakeholders is the key measure to the quality of our work,
- Personal commitment and proactivity of all members from our management are the key factors for consequent application of the Integrated management system, including its continuous improvement. Our top management is committed to continuous improvement of the integrated management system, elimination of risks in the field of occupational safety and information security,
- continuous upgrade of the technology including enhancing of the logistic and information systems is a key factor for providing top quality service while minimizing the environmental impact, occupational safety and information risks,
- only competent, satisfied and positively motivated employees are key presumption for production of high-quality products, providing top quality service, improvement of environmental profile, maintaining occupational safety and information security,
- improvement of all processes within the company relies on timely and consistent application of corrective and preventive measures
- we maintain with our suppliers long-term and fruitful relationships, which brings and secures benefit to all parties involved
- protection of environment, occupational safety and information security are equally as important as economic performance
- prevention is a fundamental element of action
- compliance with legislative requirements in all management sectors is our fundamental standard underlined by commitment of our top-management to fulfil those requirements,
- we would like to point out the importance of quality, occupational safety and information security in relations with our suppliers
The business owners of TATRA DEFENCE VEHICLE a.s. have undertaken the commitment to provide all necessary resources to fulfil above stated policies.